The AOSP and AAOS Meetup


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The AOSP and AAOS Meetup Group is a forum for talking about building, developing, and testing products based on AOSP (Android Open Source Project) and AAOS (Android Automotive OS). There are two main strands: meetups and projects


The Meetups are the main reason for the existence of the group. Meetings are held every two months starting in January (so, January, March, May, July, September, and November). The first was in March 2022. Each meeting is about 2 hours long, starting with time for meet and greet, followed by two or three talks of up to 30 minutes each on any topics that we find interesting, followed by time for networking. Since AOSP and AAOS developers are scattered over a wide area, this is an online meetup. We use a group to coordinate the live meetups -

The talks are recorded and available online for those who didn’t make the meeting, and also to create an archive of useful information. Click on this link to see details of all past meetings


The projects pages are a way to share information about performing common tasks such as building AOSP


Community is where we all come together to talk and exchange ideas. This meetup is part of that, and there is a Slack workspace (for historical reasons) where we can keep in touch between meetups:


Android is not just smart phones. There is a separate section dedicated to Android running on devices of all types